August, 2021: Finally, the INDIE team came together in presence in Gozd Martuljek, #Slovenia, to discuss the latest progress in their 4th meeting!
July, 2021: Melanie Mindt from the Wageningen team and Petra Peters-Wendisch from Bielefeld represented the INDIE project during the Metabolic Engineering 14 conference, which was supposed to take place in Hawaii, but was held as 100 % virtual meeting from July 11 to 15. Melanie presented a poster on "Whole-cell biotransformation of L-tryptophan to indole" and Petra showed work related to "Fermentative production of precursors of acridone and indole alkaloids", including a 60 seconds pitch video.
May 18, 2021: NIB published a children's book entitled »Fascinating experiments with plants« which comprises 25 most successful experiments from the previous Fascination of Plants Day. Each experiment has a short introduction, followed by detailed instructions on how to perform the experiment. All experiments are accompanied by lovely comic characters of a cactus (girl character) and ficus tree (boy character), drawn by a famous Slovenian illustrator. From each experiment, a QR code links to the video of the experiment, performed by either a scientist in the lab or kids at home which promote the execution of the experiments. INDIE project contributed an experiment on DNA isolation from plant material and project member Špela Baebler is the book co-editor.
More info (in Slovene):
January, 2021: Tatjana Walter and Kerstin Schultenkämper explained their research to pupils in Teutolab Biotechnologie online: The video covers ERACoBioTech projects C1Pro and INDIE.
November, 2020: This years Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 takes place as an interactive workshop - #GBS2020. We are thrilled that our project video is featured at the virtual Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020. You can find it in the GBS Media corner:
May, 2020: Instead of in beautiful Gozd Martuljek, #Slovenia, the 3rd INDIE progress meeting took place online. We missed each others presence, but had a fruitful discussion about progress, upcoming post-Corona INDIE events and further strategic objectives!
May 2020: The INDIE project and the concept about “sustainable production of indole” were presented by Volker F. Wendisch during an economic meeting of the regional branch of the Junior Chamber International. Christopher Henke presented the business perspective of industrial biotechnology during this tandem talk including the bicomer project.
Februar 2020: The INDIE team is running the first fermentations for indole production in Wageningen, NL. By combining synthetic biology approaches and the systems biology analysis we are optimising the process of sustainable indole production. All INDIE partners joined forces to make this possible.
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November 2019: The INDIE project and the concept about “sustainable production of indole” were presented by Tatjana Walter and Volker Wendisch at the international conference “New Horizons in Biotechnology – 2019” in Trivandrum, India.
The indole scent is typical for jasmine flowers and is therefore used in the cosmetics industry. Jasmine flowers were discovered by Tatjana during a visit to Padmanabhapuram Palace, Tamil Nadu, India.
October 2019: For the second year in a row, Tatjana Walter of the INDIE team visited the course “TeutoLab-Academy Systems Biology” at Bielefeld University. This course focusses on systems biology and is dedicated to selected pupils who take this course during their autumn vacation.
In an interactive manner, Tatjana presented the EraCoBiotech project INDIE to the pupils and explained sustainable indole production. The pupils engaged in intense discussions on sustainability, white biotechnology and on science and life as a scientist as such.
September 2019: All INDIE project partners contributed actively to the 9th International CeBiTec Research Conference at Bielefeld University in many ways: members acted as part of the scientific committee, as session chairs, as lecturers, poster presenters or participants of a panel discussion about networking in white biotechnology. Dissemination of INDIE results was very well received by the 75 international participants from academia and industry.
September 2019: 2nd progress INDIE progress meeting was hosted by partner UNIBI and held at Bielefeld University. Fruitful discussions about progress, upcoming INDIE events and strategic objectives dominated the technical sessions that were followed by social activities in Bielefeld.
August, 2019: This summer, the INDIE team was supported by international students. Tatjana Walter and Lenny Ferrer worked with Rijul Bhimwal, a DAAD RISE fellow (Pennsylvania, USA), Anne-Laure Ricord, an ERASMUS student from Paris (France) and Mahmoud Elsaraf, an intern from Egypt studying in Bielefeld, on a biotech process for indole.
April, 2019: Axxence produces natural flavour ingredients using plants as crude enzyme sources. The following video shows the biocatalytic production process for the manufacturing of natural 2,6-nonadienal from unsaturated fatty acids using cucumber as the crude enzyme source.
April 11, 2019: Lenny Ferrer from the #INDIE team guided 10 pupils (9th grade) from the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Gymnasium (Bünde) through the laboratories of the Wendisch group. The pupils learned about work as a scientist in a biotechnology lab and about the concept of sustainable indole bioproduction.
April 1, 2019: The concept of sustainable indole bioproduction was presented by Tatjana Walter of the INDIE team to pupils, chemistry trainees and their teachers at the technical college Berufskolleg Senne in Bielefeld. A deep discussion about life sciences and university life evolved afterwards.
January 31-February 1, 2019: INDIE project meeting in Bratislava, hosted by Axxence Slovakia s.r.o..
January 10-11, 2019: During a meeting with a Korean delegation from Kyungsung University in Busan South Korea, cooperation partners of the Wendisch lab at UNIBI, that highlighted international cooperation on the university level, the level of Bielefeld Biology department and in European research projects Tatjana Walter and Lenny Ferrer presented the INDIE EraCoBiotech project. Tatjana Walter discussed the whole process from conception of the idea to the approval of funding and introduced the research topic of sustainable indole production with her first results and Lenny Ferrer introduced the tryptophane dependet regulatory circuits. The meeting was held January 10+11, 2019, at Center of Biotechnology (CeBiTec), Bielefeld.
October 17, 2018: Tatjana Walter of the INDIE team presented the concept of sustainable indole bioproduction to pupils during the course “TeutoLab-Academy Systemsbiology” at Bielefeld University. The pupils were thrilled and discussed interesting and critical questions about biotechnology, science and sustainability with Tatjana.
June 13-14, 2018: ERA CoBioTeck Kick-Off session at ACHEMA in Frankfurt (DE)
Project coordinators Dirk Bosch and Katarina Cankar presented INDIE at kick-off session “Biotechnology for a sustainable bioeconomy” at ACHEMA in Frankfurt.
May 16-17, 2018: Kick-Off Meeting in Wageningen (NL)
INDIE kick-off meeting was hosted by Wageningen Plant Research. INDIE team met for the first time for project presentation and discussion about strategic objectives for the first project term.
The INDIE Team: